Yoctopuce designs, manufactures and sells USB devices to let your computer sit in the real world. Our USB modules are tiny, easy to install and easy to drive programmatically. Among them you will find:
| Yocto-4-20mA-Rx-C
The migration of Yoctopuce modules to Type-C connectivity is gathering pace. This week, we're announcing no less than four new modules: Yocto-Volt-C, Yocto-Thermocouple-C, Yocto-PowerRelay-V3-C and Yocto-MaxiBridge-C.
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We recently had the opportunity to install the latest version of WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) on a Windows development machine, so that we could run test procedures designed to run under Linux. As it works quite well, we figured we wouldn't be the only ones to do so, and that it would be a good idea to document the use of Yoctopuce modules in this environment.
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